Parish Leadership Team

Fr. David

Pastor - Fr. David Richardson

Email -

  • 309.452.2585 x204 - office phone

  • 309.621.1850 cell


Fr. Jack

Parochial Vicar - Fr. Jack Swoik

Email -

309.452.2585 x220 - office phone


Sharon Sweeney

Pastoral Assistant - Sharon Sweeney

Email -

Sharon will assist the leadership team in planning and administration.


Kara Hopper

Junior High Religon - Kara Hopper

Email -

Kara oversees the Junior High Youth Ministry at our parish and teaches religon in the Junior High. Youth Ministry provides opportunities for our teens to encounter God in prayer, Scripture, discussion, service, friendship, and fun. To do so, we offer youth groups for students, service opportunities, retreats, and small groups.


Permanent Deacons

Deacon Mark Cleary                               

Email -



Deacon Michael Winger                               

Email -


Office Assistant - Joyce Tellman  



 Email -

Joyce can assist you regarding parish-related questions.




Business Manager - Angie O'Connor

Email -

Angie is our Parish and School Business Manager.  Contact Angie with questions about the annual parish and school financial reports.



IT Director - Mike Essington

Email -

office phone - 309-452-2585 x211  
cell phone - 309-200-7253



Communications Director - Theresa Quarton

Email -

Theresa works on our Parish Bulletin, Flocknote, and our monthly newsletter.

Stephanie Demboski

Stephanie Demboski

Adult Faith Formation and Evangelization Coordinator - Stephanie Demboski  

Email -  


Aggie Hatch

CCD Coordinator - Aggie Hatch

Email -


Bulletin Editor

Email -

Please submit news and articles for inclusion by Friday noon, 8 days prior to the weekend for publication.  If this is an event that should also be on the web site please send it the Web master also.  (Note sending plain text not a pdf. along with .jpg files for pictures will facilitate a cut and paste update)



  • Theresa Boyd

Finance Council      

        Joe Morrow


Ministries Scheduler     

Sharon Sweeney    Email -

Ministry Scheduler Pro link