Logo Tender Mercies
Food packing event for Tender Mercies. Dieticians have designed tender Mercies to provide critical nutrition to help fight food insecurity. Tender Mercies is a complete meal that consists of savory rice and beans fortified with protein, essential vitamins, and minerals. This food product is a very important source of nutritionally balanced meals that can be provided in Food Disaster boxes for disaster relief and to Agencies to distribute to clients from their food pantries.
Midwest Food Bank is located at 2031 Warehouse Road in Normal.
The event is on March 18 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am. Arrive between 8:45am – 8:50am.
This event is open to 50 people, age 5 and older. Parents or another responsible adult will need to attend the event with anyone under the age of 18. There will need to be at least one adult per every 3 minor children. All participants must be pre-registered including minor children.
Please register at the Midwest Food Bank Volunteer site (Golden)
When minors are registered, it will ask for the name and email of the parent/guardian. The Golden Volunteer program will autogenerate an email to the parent/guardian with a link to complete the process. The minor’s reservation is not complete (or their spot reserved) until the waiver has been signed. For safety and insurance purposes, any minor who has not been registered or received parental consent for an opportunity will not be able to participate in volunteer activities.
Wear closed-toe shoes and something comfortable.
Work Description:
There will be many jobs requiring different levels of activity from sitting down to put labels on bags, scooping ingredients into bags, sealing bags, running bags between stations, and boxing the bags.
Contact Pat Luber at plluber@aol.com or Joe Morrow at 309-824-2193.
If you’d like to be more involved In volunteering please signup for the Faith and Works group in Flocknote and Pat will keep you informed on all volunteer efforts. It is for those who have an interest in volunteering to help in the community through Epiphany.