Giving Tree 2024
Giving Tree in Narthex
Every year Epiphany Catholic Church does a wonderful job of helping with the needs of various charities in our own community through our Giving Tree. We will have 5 charities represented on our tree this year. Each charity has 100 tags. Please consider one or more of the needs of these charities when you pass the trees in the Narthex and entrances this season. Our goal, of course, is to have all the tags taken from the trees.
The following is a short description of each charity represented and in some cases how they use their gifts. As you can see by the descriptions, some of these gifts go directly to the people that are served by the charity and some gifts are just for the everyday function of the charity. Our tree will go up on November 21st. Please return your UNWRAPPED gifts with the tags to the box in the Narthex by December 11th.
Path: Blue Tags
Path Homeless Services uses donations of clothing, cold weather essentials, and gift cards (to purchase individualized items) to ensure that people experiencing homelessness in the Bloomington-Normal area have these necessary items to keep warm throughout the winter. These items are given to people who would not otherwise have access to such items. These items go directly to people living in places not meant for human habilitation and people staying on our streets or outside during the winter season.
Safe Harbor: Red Tags
The Salvation Army Safe Harbor Shelter provides services to homeless individuals who are otherwise displaced or do not have adequate housing and are forced to sleep on the street. The shelter is also open to homeless individuals living on the street and offers meals to non-residents. The shelter provides a dignified, safe and warm environment for men and women over the age of eighteen. Individuals are first offered a place to stay, food to eat, hot showers, and laundry facilities. Once their basic needs are met, individuals begin the process of addressing the primary cause of their homelessness. Individuals may access case managers, mental health counselors, and employment specialists, access pastoral care if requested, and address housing concerns or rental assistance. When a resident is ready to move out, if qualified, they are able to access The Salvation Army’s Comprehensive Emergency Assistance (CEA) program. Eligible clients will receive financial aid for rent or utilities.
Neville House: Cream
Mid Central Community Action (Neville House): MCCA’s mission is to educate, equip and empower individuals and families toward financially secure, violence-free lives. One way MCCA does that is by offering emergency shelter for domestic violence victims at the Neville House. Many times when victims are escaping dangerous situations, they are only able to take the clothes on their backs. Donations to the Neville House help women and children feel more comfortable and safe during their stay.
Birthright: Green Tags
At Birthright, we understand the challenges related to unplanned pregnancies. We know that it can be an overwhelming and often scary situation. However, we also know that there is hope for the mother and her child. Birthright believes that “It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.” Birthright is here to be the friend that a pregnant woman needs as she navigates an unplanned pregnancy. Birthright is available to women for as long as they need us. We offer love, friendship, and support to women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant. Birthright services are always free, non-judgmental, and confidential. We can also provide information, referrals, and resources to help the woman help herself. Birthright is unique and available 24/7 through our toll-free helpline. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope, and ensuring she is not alone.
Catholic Charities- Gold Tags
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Peoria, in response to the call that our Mother Church has given us to care for our brothers and sisters that are less fortunate than we are, has programs to assist children from our twin towns, Bloomington/Normal. As Epiphany Parish has done for many years, we are extremely thankful for your participation in helping us bless the young people with much-needed items. Thank you and God Bless you.