Retreat Logo
Women of the Parish! The Epiphany ACTS Retreat will be held from Thursday, Sept. 19, to Sunday, Sept. 22. We invite all women who have not attended an ACTS retreat to join us. If you have previously attended, please consider inviting a special woman in your life.
The goals of the weekend retreat are to strengthen your faith, renew yourself spiritually, build purpose in your prayer life, and build solid and lasting friendships within your church community.
The Retreat begins Thursday evening with check-in at 6:00 pm in the Church Narthex and ends Sunday following the 11:00 am Mass. Round-trip transportation to and from the Retreat Center will be provided.
You can register for the event by submitting the form below. And then click the button below to pay in Flocknote.
Click the button below to signup for the Flocknote group and pay what you can. The cost is $195, which covers the cost of food and lodging for the weekend, but financial hardship should not prevent you from attending. Pay what you can. If you can donate more so others can attend, that would be great also.
For more information, feel free to contact:
Lauri Blaney, Director -
Cassie Scheirer, Co-Director -
Laura Young, Co-Director -
See the ACTS page for general information about ACTS at Epiphany.