Let’s resolve to look at our choices through the lens of love for our neighbors: what does my elderly or medically compromised neighbor need me to do in order to reduce the risk of disease transmission in my community?
Sometimes you’ll encounter the argument that the sheer number of abortions performed in this country every year requires us to weight abortion more heavily than any other issue.
Why would a woman have an abortion? For a worrisome number of women, an abusive relationship is one of the contributing factors.
It is a matter of urgency that we set politics aside and allow good science and good sense to guide us in protecting others’ lives and well-being both here and around the globe. It’s the pro-life course of action. Here’s why.
Painful as it may seem, we must restructure our criminal justice system to reflect the redemptive power of Christ’s death and our firm belief in the value of each human life.
“The most economically advanced societies are witnessing a growing trend towards extreme individualism which, combined with a utilitarian mentality and reinforced by the media, is producing a ‘globalization of indifference.’”
On the evening of Saturday, April 13 there will be candlelight vigils at Planned Parenthood facilities nationwide.
Given our increasingly polarized political climate, perhaps it’s not surprising that the abortion debate has been growing more acrimonious.
Wherever respect for life and human dignity are lacking, there is need of God’s merciful love, in whose light we see the inexpressible value of every human being. Mercy is needed in order to ensure that every injustice in the world will come to an end in the splendour of truth. —St. John Paul II
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